Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dont Die Action RPG!

How did I not see this coming, why is everyone not talking about how cool this game looks? Are single player 3rd person action rpgs dying? We saw a revival with a brutal take on the 3rd person action rpg with Demon Souls, but that even shows that the audience is getting older. Studio 38 died for putting out theirs (granted it was a little uninspired) and Rockstar (although this isnt really an rpg) did not look like they had their usual AAA success with Max Payne. Is the single player experience becoming passe? Well I will be all over this one and I hope the younguns are too, a fantasy action game with a mega man twist, awesome out July 24 on PSN.

Another great game that I think is getting some attention that I will probably try to pick up down the road (at a better price point) is Dragon's Dogma. This is Square Enix trying to appeal to an American Audience. Its getting mixed reviews because it sounds like something that has been very much done before but the polish looks excellent and big boss fights look very epic.

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