Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Troll Hunter

This movie is amazing I would describe the film as Jurassic Park X Blair Witch Project. A group of friends are hounding an Indiana Jones senior looking character who is reluctant to share information with the young adults desperately prying at the mans odd lifestyle attempting to include him in a documentary. Little does the group know they will soon understand the reasons for the wise adventurer, Hans, eccentric actions. Trolls. They are christian blood seeking. Gnarly, awesomely animated Trolls. The acting was top notch and the film keeps a great pace flopping between Troll hunting and a documentary style interview uncovering the long kept secrets of the Trolls. There is very little story development outside of Hans, this is not a bad thing as I do not think I care to have known any of the replaceable young adults. Instead the viewer is flooded with fun Troll facts in between investigations.

If you are in the Orange County area you can check this out at the Newport Film Festival on May 5th.

Trailer after the break.

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