Saturday, April 9, 2011

Akira Live Action Movie

Please, please, please do not mascre another one of my childhood, fuck even present day favorites. Just call it something else. If you change the location, premis, and main characters name, Tetsuo is now Travis, fucking travis and the two handsome gentlemen up top are supposedly in the runnings for the coresponding roles of Kaneda and Tet...Travis, blah it makes my stomach queezy just writing that. Location has been changed to New York, the script as report by Cracked has been stripped of all its content for our simple American minds. The doods up top ain't final so maybe if we make enough of a sound, or enough of a threat to boycott he fuck out of this movie they will change some of this shit. I'm going to be doing voting on these two characters over the next couple of weeks.

As seen on Cracked our possible candidates are:

Kaneda: Garrett Hedlund, Michael Fassbender, Chris Pine, Justin Timberlake or Joaquin Phoenix

Travistuo: Andrew Garfield, Robert Pattinson or James McAvoy

Fuck Hollywood.

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