Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Skinner Toy

Ohhhh, I feel a little bitchy because I did not post about this early, but I needed to ensure that I got one. Lulubell and Siccaluna Koubo I love you for taking this on. This to my left was my version of choice which I was particularly stoked about coming with a blank, because this is definitely going to be my first custom! I unfortunately did not feel I could warrent spending 500 on the ultimate pack, but oh well. This is my first post on collector vinyl toys but I have been collecting for about the last 3 years or so. I will eventually put up a post of my collection if I run out of other cool shit to post on. I would highly recommend getting your hands on at least one of these blank puppies if they are not yet all swallowed up, skinner is one of the most original artists of our generation and I am sure this will be a piece for my pyramid when I am sent to the river of Styx. Fuck and I don't really know what it looks like yet, Skinner I trust you though.

Blanks may still be available.

Preview video after the break.

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