Friday, April 15, 2011

Potato Sack / Portal 2 Comic

So everyone and their mom should be getting amped for portal next week. We learned today through some masterminds figuring out elaborate puzzles by valve that we play the games from the "Potato Sack" package to unlock portal early. I would usually be against such a capitalistic ploy, but these are fucking great games for a good price, I was considering buying Amnesia for 20 bucks, well now you get 12 other games for another 18 bucks, which I have only heard great things about most of these games. Potato Sack Bundle Here

Valve gets blood pumping even harder with a legit as fuck free web comic. The Style is killer. I usually hate comic books made from games because of their cliche use of video concept art looking shit, or they just feel cheap, a side note to steal my money. Well Vavle is swaggin us out.
Get it here.

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