Sunday, April 3, 2011

OFWGKTA 04/01 Glass House

The show was as I expected. Fucking intense young folk diggin some rap music. I felt old in a crowd of 18-21yr olds. But everyone was down for reeking havok, and being more matured in body size came in handy. Oh, but the rap music is being played by a group of Afro American Teens that are in love with Satan and everything evil stands for. Our youth could not ask for a better role model. Tyler the Creator is the the leader of these lost boys but some very solid performances by Mike G., Left Brain, and Hodgy Beats. Tyler seems to hit a note with his high energy levels that acts like an aura of plus to attack skills. Lyrics the like of Eminem without the moral bullshit, I think this is also why I lean towards his rap style. Without the mistake of having a daughter to young, a youth in their prime, a good head on his shoulders, and spreading the selfish attitude of Satan all over the world. It really felt like I got to be in on the ground floor of Wu-Tang in their formidable years, which I was too young to experience. The only thing we have is ourselves are those we trust, Wolf Gang, Fucking Odd, Kill them All.

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