Thursday, November 8, 2012

Crystal Castles : III : Review

So I am on my second listen of Crystal Castles new album III. Firstly I am a huge fan of everything previous released to give some background of my taste for this brand of alternative house music (I was about to call it witch house, but I think Crystal Castles is truely in a league of their own).

This much more of what we have come to love and respect. Quite a few slow jams this time around, and its raining in this part of California right now. So pretty much the perfect album for me at this moment.

Alice Glass's voice is haunting as always, I would say she even takes haunting a step further hear as the album at would suggest. The beats and glitches from Ethan Kath are spot on to follow Alice further into the void but not going to far in a different directions.

I have been digging on spotify here.

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