Monday, March 14, 2011

Black Vomit

Noise music is best assessed with a different set of adjectives than traditional western music. Devoid of melody and typical song structure, noise is generally abrasive, aggressive, angry and challenging to listen to. Texture and density (not only of individual sounds, but songs as a whole) are the primary means of critique.

In the same way that the abstract expressionist movement of the early 20th century explored ideas of formlessness and existential questions about the nature of art and it's relationship to it's creators and audience, 21st century noise music challenges listeners to produce an opinion.

My opinion is: it fucking rocks. Not only for provoking the aforementioned explorations, but for the sheer animosity and formless expression contained in it's performers.

Performing under several different monikers, Steven James leads an onslaught of synth patches, samples, screaming and bloodletting.  It is extreme performance art wrapped in a thick musical package.

More tracks (and decidedly less blood) can be found under the names Sssavior and ______/\/____.

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